Four Common Conditions That Tend To Respond Well To Chinese Acupuncture

20 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Chinese acupuncture is the most common and widely used type of acupuncture. It involves the insertion of tiny needles into the skin. The needles are left in place for some time while the patient relaxes and lies still. The needles are said to alter the flow of qi, or energy, through the body. Some modern scientists think acupuncture works by stimulating certain nerve endings and thereby affecting the excitability of those nerves. Regardless of how, exactly, it works, Chinese acupuncture seems to be quite helpful in managing the following conditions. 


Fibromyalgia is a complex condition that causes a range of symptoms including stiffness, lethargy, joint pain, and depression. It can be hard to treat with medications. Some people get relief from some symptoms with medications such as SSRIs, but other symptoms tend to linger. Chinese acupuncture can be a good addition to a treatment routine for someone with fibromyalgia. It can help loosen stiff joints and ease muscle pain. Patients often find they sleep better after an acupuncture treatment, and better sleep can help ease both the mental and physical symptoms of fibromyalgia.


Arthritis is a condition that involves inflammation in the joints. Often due to a loss of joint cartilage, this inflammation also causes pain and reduced mobility. Acupuncture can help ease arthritis pain and inflammation. You may find you are better able to move after a treatment. Take advantage of this and get some gentle exercise. For example, you may want to go for a relaxing swim. The movement can help further loosen your joints and encourage any inflammation to drain back into your bloodstream.


So many headaches are either caused or made worse by stress. Undergoing acupuncture can reduce your stress levels, thereby relieving the muscle tension at the base of your skull. This, in turn, can cause your headache pain to dissipate. You should notice that your headaches become less frequent, less severe, or both with regular acupuncture. 


Maybe you don't just get headaches, but full-blow migraines. Acupuncture can help with this, too. It will reduce tension in your head and neck, and it will help manage the blood vessel constriction that can lead to migraines. Don't stop taking your migraine medications. Acupuncture is generally safe to use in combination with these meds and can fill in the gaps if your meds are not giving you enough relief.

Chinese acupuncture has been around for years, and for good reason. It gives patients marked relief from these and other symptoms. Reach out to a Chinese acupuncture service near you to learn more.
