How Deep Tissue Massage Could Help Prevent Workout Injuries

22 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Maintaining an active lifestyle is a great way to improve your overall physical and mental health. However, workout injuries — like shin splints, overuse injuries, tendinitis, etc. — can happen at any fitness level if one doesn't take certain precautions. For instance, if you don't warm up or stretch properly, you could set yourself up for a workout injury. One way to prevent injuries and improve recovery after your workouts is by getting deep tissue massages. Read on to learn about this therapy and its benefits.

What Is Deep Tissue Massage?

You may have heard of Swedish massage, which uses light-to-firm pressure strokes and is mainly for relaxation. Deep tissue massage is more intense and is intended to release adhesions. Fascia adhesions are collagen fibers that have become tight and tend to restrict movement in muscles. Sport massages are a type of deep tissue massage, but they mainly focus on one problem area of the body. For example, if you play tennis and have tennis elbow, then your therapist may just focus on that area for the duration of the session. One misconception of deep tissue massage is that it's painful. Deep tissue massage might be a little uncomfortable at times as certain adhesions are worked on, but it doesn't need to be painful to be effective. Your therapist will adjust the pressure accordingly to your preferences.

How Can Deep Tissue Massage Prevent Injuries?

One study found that while a massage doesn't improve sports performance directly, massage could improve flexibility and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). When you are more flexible, you'll be less likely to pull muscles when working out. When you recover better from DOMS, you'll be able to prevent overfatiguing your muscles.

Deep tissue massages include techniques like myofascial release and kneading, which can help prevent injuries. During myofascial release, your therapist will place a steady deep pressure in one area until scar tissue and adhesions loosen. If your muscles are too tight, you may be compensating with poor posture and you may not be using proper form while you lift, so myofascial release can help resolve these issues.

To knead muscles, your therapist may roll or squeeze areas of tissue. Kneading is beneficial because it increases blood flow, which encourages an effective delivery of oxygen and nutrients. Improved circulation can help you prevent workout injuries. Plus, improved blood flow increases the amount of oxygen available for muscles to use during intense periods of activity.

Reach out to a massage therapist in your area today for more information on deep tissue massages.
